Gold Diamond Social Icons Free

Diamond Social Media Icons Free Download

Free Social Media Icons Diamond Style

Diamond Social Icons Free

Free Diamond Social Media Icons 2018

Download these cool ★ free social media icons  and use them for your website design projects.

Download now if you are looking for some fancy icons for popular 2018 social media networks like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

Most of the people want to include social icons on their own websites or blogs. So, if you are one of those people, you can download my set of free social media icons 2018 for free.

This set includes 44 diamond style icons for some of the most popular ♥ social media networks in 2018. The set includes two styles: diamond with silver border and diamond with gold border,  like shown in the preview.

The icons are in PNG format with transparent background. The size of the icons is 256×256 px.

At your request I can also give you a PSD file with the layer styles, to create your own icons for other social media networks that are not included in this list.

The complete list of the popular social networking sites in 2018 that are included in this set of icons:

and Odnoklassniki, Tumblr, Flickr, Google+, LinkedIn, MeetUp, Vimeo, RSS, Behance, Deviantart, Meetup, WhatsApp, Skype.

If you need other diamond social icons that are not in this set you can request the PSD file for free.

The 2018 social media icons can be used mainly in website designs. But, you can also add icons to your CV resume template for example.

There are a lot of places where you can use social icons.

These icons are made in Photoshop using diamond gold and silver styles.

For these icons I used a diamond texture Photoshop pattern. You can edit the diamond layer style in Photoshop using adjustment layers.

If you want, you can request the diamond text effect PSD and I will give it to you for free.

Add Social Media Buttons to Your Sidebar or Footer

Learn how to add social media icons to your website from this quick tutorial for WordPress.

If you know how to create social media icons hover effect in css, you can use a combination of the two icon versions.

Item Details

This freebie contains 44 PNG images, 1 Photoshop PSD file (at request)

Diamond Social Media Icons Free Download

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