Hope Poster Photoshop Action Free

Obama Hope Poster Photoshop Tutorial and Free Action

Learn how to recreate the Obama Hope poster effect in Photoshop using actions.

Hope Poster Photoshop Action

1. Add Your Photo In A New PSD File

This retro poster effect works great with portraits.  So for this tutorial I will use a portrait of a young Asian man.

Add your photo in a new PSD file. Make sure the Image > Mode is set to RGB color.

Asian Man Portrait

2. Use The Magic Wand Tool To Remove The Background

Pick the Magic Wand Tool and click on the background to make a selection. Press Delete to remove the background. If you have a photo with a background that can not be removed easily you can use the Pen Tool to remove the background.

Remove Background in Photoshop

3. Add A Gradient Background In Photoshop

Make a new layer and place it behind the Man layer. Fill the layer with white color.

Add a Gradient Overlay layer style to the Background layer using this color map: color #6d6d6d (location 55%) and color #bbbbbb (location 55%)

Gradient Overlay Layer Style

4. Merge Layers In Photoshop

Click on the Background layer, keep the Shift key pressed and click on the Man layer to select the two layers.

Right click on the layers and choose Merge Layers.

Merge Layers in Photoshop

5. Download The Obama Hope Poster Photoshop Action For Free

PhotoshopSupply offers you the Obama style poster generator for free. So download the  Obama Hope Poster Photoshop Action for free.

Go to Window > Actions and Load the action file (ATN file).

Load Actions in Photoshop

6. Play The Obama Hope Photoshop Action

How to use the Obama Hope poster generator? Choose the “POSTERIZE EFFECT by PhotoshopSupply.com” action and click the Play button.

Play Action In Photoshop

The action stops for you to resize and place the “Hope” Text layer. So resize the text and move it in the center of the label and press Enter.

For the action to work properly you have to have the Intro font installed.

Resize Text layer

7. Play The Retro Effect Action

To obtain the original retro look effect you have to also play the “— retro effect” action.

Retro Poster Photoshop Action

8. Customize The Obama Poster Result

As you can see you have all the layers intact so you can customize the Obama hope poster.

The most important thing is the “Gradient by PhotoshopSupply.com” layer which is a Gradient Map adjustment layer.

Double click on the layer thumbnail and you can change the color tones.

Obama Hope Poster Generator

Another thing that you can do is to adjust the contrast of the portrait. Go to Original layer and use the Magic Wand Tool to select the background.

Press Shift-Control-I to invert the selection.

Invert Selection In Photoshop

Go to Adjust Contrast layer and double click on the layer thumbnail to open the adjustment layer. This is a Levels adjustment.

Play with the settings to obtain a good contrast and the best result.

Press Control-D to deselect.

Levels Adjustment in Photoshop

9. Congratulations, you made it!

So, here is the final result for the Obama Hope Poster effect made with our free Photoshop action. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

Obama Hope Poster Photoshop Action

Download The Free Action

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